
Triggering Hudson parameterized builds which include a file parameter using curl

My final goal is to run mvn release:prepare on my local machine to have greater control and trigger the actual mvn release:perform on Hudson, which will do the deployment in a controlled environment and archive the build log.

To achieve this, I want to upload the generated release.properties to the Hudson instance. This should be possible using the Parameterized Trigger Plugin. The tricky part is that the proposed solution on the plugin's Wikipage using buildWithParameters seems not to work, I always got HTTP/400 or HTTP/500 responses. After some tries and an analyze of the traffic with Charles I came up with two solutions, one using token authentication, the other one basic authentication. The important part seems to be to include the parameters json and Submit as well. Note that the file parameter is numbered, i.e. it is called file0.

Token authentication

curl -i -Fname=release.properties -Ffile0=@FILE_TO_UPLOAD \
-Fjson='{"parameter": {"name": "release.properties", "file": "file0"}}' \
-FSubmit=Build \

The advantage of this is that no further user interaction is required, however you do not know who triggered the build.

Basic HTTP authentication

curl -i -uUSERNAME -Fname=release.properties -Ffile0=@FILE_TO_UPLOAD \
-Fjson='{"parameter": {"name": "release.properties", "file": "file0"}}' \
-FSubmit=Build  'http://HUDSON/hudson/job/JOBNAME/build'

The advantage of this is you know who triggered the build.


Using iptables on Android to redirect HTTP connections to a running Charles proxy instance

During development it is often desirable to inspect the HTTP requests from your applications. As reported in Android Issue 1273 there is no easy way to set a HTTP proxy when using WIFI. In this article I describe how to use Charles as a Webproxy at least for unencrypted connections.

Unfortunately, you have to root your telephone, as otherwise you are not allowed to call iptables. Rooting is easy to do, visit unrevoked and follow the instructions. If you want to install a custom rom with Froyo just follow the instructions on Wildpuzzle (or any other) ROM for HTC Wildfire.

Then install Charles, see my article on Using BaseX and Charles. Start it up and configure Charles to be a transparent HTTP proxy in Proxy/Proxy Settings....

I assume you installed the Android SDK (for Mac OS X use Homebrew, see my article on starting an Android emulator via LaunchAgent for specifics).

On your device allow USB Debugging (Settings/Applications/Development/USB Debugging). Now connect your rooted device via USB. Enter adb shell, you should be greeted with a sh-3.2 prompt. In this example is the address of the computer running Charles, 8888 is the port.

sh-3.2# iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -o eth0 --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
FIX ME! implement getprotobyname() bionic/libc/bionic/stubs.c:378

You may ignore the error.

sh-3.2# iptables -t nat -L -nvx
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 19 packets, 4832 bytes)
    pkts      bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 1068 packets, 65421 bytes)
    pkts      bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 1050 packets, 63721 bytes)
    pkts      bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
       8      472 DNAT       tcp  --  *      eth0             tcp dpt:80 to: 

Hint: On Mac OS X you have to allow incoming connections to your computer e.g. by going to System Settings/Security and disabling the firewall. Now you should see all your unencrypted HTTP connections going through Charles.

To disable using Charles as a proxy enter:

sh-3.2# iptables -t nat -F OUTPUT

This will reset the routing again and all HTTP connections will go directly to the hosts again.

Unfortunately this approach will not work for encrypted connections right now, I am still investigating this.